Tuesday, February 24, 2009

More Housing Options (also see below)

We have asked our administrative assistants for advice and they (being very knowledgeable in these matters) recommended the following hotels as affordable and generally accessible to and from campus via a bus or subway.

The Gables (a B&B)

The Latham

The Club Quarters

The Omni

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Registration Still Open. Join us!

To register please send an email to the conference organizers at ssh.mdphd.2009@gmail.com
and include:
1) Your PhD discipline
2) Your institution (s)
3) Disciplines/Degrees
4) How to contact you

Everyone will participate in break-out sessions. If you need proof of being accepted to the conference so that you can apply for registration and travel funds from your home institution, please let us know, we will gladly provide a letter of acceptance.

We look forward to meeting you at the 2009 National Conference forPhysician Scholars in the Humanities and Social Sciences on March28-29th at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Medicine locatedat 36th and Spruce St in Philadelphia.

Our general registration fee is $60. Please send a check made out to "The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania" can be sent to Erica Dwyer 249 S. 36th St., Suite 303 Cohen Hall, Philadelphia, PA 19104. Registration will be available on site, although there will be an increase in cost for registration on site, $80 instead of $60. This increase will be waived for those people who do not have access to an American bank account.