Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Last Minute Details

Directions to the conference are available here:
The conference will be held in the CRB and Stemmler Buildings of the University of Pennsylvania's School of Medicine west of 34th St and south of Spruce St in West Philadelphia.

Conference Schedule: The conference officially begins on Saturday with breakfast in CRB lobby at 9:00am. The conference program can be seen here: .

Informal Meet & Greet:
We know some of you will be in town on Friday evening already, so we've decided to designate a restaurant/bar where we can informally meet and start getting to know each other. We'll be there for sure from 7pm - 10pm. Come join us if you can!
Location: Pizza Rustica
3602 Chestnut Street,
Philadelphia PA 19104
(Food and drink are NOT covered by the conference.)

Friday night fun:
General information about fun Friday night things can be found here:

Presentation Guidelines: People presenting posters received guidelines earlier today. If you are giving a research presentation, you received an email with guidelines a while ago. These will be reposted at by the end of today.

Registration Fees:
Thanks to all who have already paid their registration fee. We are no longer accepting checks by mail. You can either pay $65 by paypal-see below-or pay $80 onsite by check or cash. If you have already arranged to volunteer, if you are drawing money from a foreign bank, or if you are an invited speaker then these general guidelines do not apply; contact us if you have any questions.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Preliminary Conference Schedule

Link to the preliminary conference schedule here.
Please let us know at if you see any typos or mistakes.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon!